The Grateful Dead Band, sometimes mistaken by the media of the late 20th century brought a lot of joy to lots of people and continue to do so. One of the many mysteries of life is why music makes one happy or sad, and how we remember music so well. Maybe it has something to do with Psalms 98.
The band known as the Grateful Dead may distance some from listening to them or at worst, all to common, causes a false judgment based only by their name.
The name of the band has been attributed to an old legend found here.
Here is a quite pleasant song performed by the Grateful Dead in concert in 1989.
The lyrics can be found here.
Music is a form of magic that can heal.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
We Bid You Goodnight
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My 2005 Ivory-billed Woodpecker Search
Illustrated is an image of three Ivory-billed Woodpeckers which also shows some stripped bark on a tree trunk. The bark was stripped by the Ivory-bills in a search for food, beetles and larvae.
Shown is a male with the distinctive red head and nape while the female Ivory-billed has a completely black head and nape. The third woodpecker is somewhat hidden behind the tree truck.
This is an excellent image courtesy of the book Birds of America by John James Audubon The watercolor image was also painted in 1826 by John James Audubon who was very creative in his many illustrations of the avian world.
Throughout the mid 20th century it was thought that the Ivory-bill had become extinct due to the diminishing habitat in which it survived in, and searches were made by individuals and groups in attempts to rediscover this woodpecker. Among many of these renowned Ivory-billed searchers was Arthur A. Allen who also captured black & white photos of the bird in the 1930s, and James T. Tanner.
In 1942 a Research Report for the Audubon Society was authored by James T. Tanner for the society. This report was eventually published by Dover in 1966 and again republished in 2003 by Dover as The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker. ISBN 0-486-42837-0 (pbk).
Jump forward to 2004 and a reported Ivory-bill Woodpecker sighting near the White River in Arkansas. A new path of rediscovery and verification of a living bird was undertaken in Arkansas. The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology lead much of this effort. Tim Gallagher published The Grail Bird Hot on the Trail of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker in 2005. ISBN 0-618-45693-7.
Jumping forward to November 2005 I undertook my own humble search for this woodpecker. My search consisted of only one day in the area near Brinkley, Arkansas - and as I had never visited the area my motive was also to see the environment and do other birdwatching. As a long time birdwatcher I knew it would be a rich area for observing winter birds.
I studied the maps before the trip and the first stop was in Brinkley at a shop that was made popular by the current Ivory-billed craze. The shopkeeper was very friendly and told me about the areas of interest. The shop also, of course, sold lots of Ivory-bill related items. Among the items were several lovely paintings of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker.
The bridge pictured below is in the Bayou de View area. Noting that the materials looked new I had wondered if it wasn't the very bridge in Bayou de View that had been burned, one of the many stories heard during that time frame.
Well I never did see the Ivory-billed Woodpecker nor did I hear it's distinctive "kent" call but I had a great time seeing the area, and the thought that I "might" see one caused the adrenaline to be active. I observed many other winter birds, saw the White River, Cyprus Trees, other wildlife and took away many photographs.
Should I visit the area again for birdwatching, I will think about renting a canoe with a local guide. Some of the local terrain is very swampy and to see the area at it's fullest, water travel would help a lot or downright be required for local areas.
Does the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker exist here in Arkansas in 2007?
The evidence is sparse and it would take some real faith to believe that it does. It is a wide and somewhat wild region that is hard to explore, and there are video and audio observation monitors set up which have not recorded the very best evidence.
Yet...tree bark continues to be found that is freshly peeled back much like the Ivory-Billed is known for, unlike other birds. Local folks continue to speak of the 'Lord Bird' and maybe just as important it is accurately described both visually and audibly the local residents.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Hummingbirds are unlike any other family of birds.
The smallest of birds that weigh from 0.1 to 0.3 ounces. These beautiful birds are often seen at hummingbird feeders and natural plants that provide a quick energy source.
In the eastern US, the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird is by far the most common. The migration of these little creatures created by God is a testament of beauty and survival.
The vast majority of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, however, apparently cross the Gulf of Mexico in nonstop flights each spring and fall. Such long-distance flights are possible because these birds can increase their fat reserves and double their weight in as little as seven to ten days before migrating.
Just as astonishing is the estimation that on any given day during spring or fall migration an estimated 50 million birds are flying across the Gulf of Mexico.
Quotes from The Sibley Guide to Bird Life & Behavior.
David Allen Sibley
First Edition 2001
A Petrified Bow Tip In Wyoming
Near the petrified forest close to Buffalo, Wyoming, another mysterious early artifact related to human history can be found for anyone to see. Nearby, a beautiful landscape of red earth and dusky green vegetation can be visited with no crowd or people present on most days.
A mystery from Buffalo, Wyoming.
In the Jim Gatchell Museum in Buffalo Wyoming lies another mysterious artifact, one of many to be found in the small museums of America. Photographs were not allowed in this museum so I respected that and there is no photo of this artifact to be found here.
The museum, as most museums go, has a lot more of the recent historical artifacts and information content-wise. That makes sense though as the recorded history of the western settlement of America was well documented. One of the more fascinating stories I learned here was the story of the Johnson County War that took place in this locale. As far as our modern movies represent history, a very good movie of this incident in history is represented by the movie of the name Johnson County War.
The Jim Gatchell museum houses much of the story and many artifacts that have been saved and preserved from the Johnson County War. It is a very interesting story from the western settlement era. After taking in the first floor of the museum one descends the staircase to the basement. Along that path in a shadow box the leather whip made by Tom Horn is displayed.
In the basement of the museum in a glass case amongst many other objects I spotted an object with a label that said something to the effect of "From Ripley's Believe It Or Not". As I remember it, the description detailed the object as being found some 100 or so miles west of the museum.
It was described and appeared to be the the tip of a bow (as in a bow and arrow) but it was petrified...petrified.
To my eyes it certainly looked just as it was described. It had the notch and was tapered and curved exactly as a tip of a bow would be imagined to be. I would estimate it from memory to have been 3 to 4 inches in length.
There are theories about the Biblical flood and differing aspects of petrified wood. I won't delve into those ideas here. Were this artifact to be as represented and is not an astronomical odds shaped petrified broken branch, one has to wonder either about history in terms of the ages of man, or the accounts and accuracy of...well...what the process of petrified wood is.
If the former is to be considered, one needs to then consider the odds of the same type of weapon, a bow and arrow, and what the odds are that it was apparently re-invented in the same fashion some millions of years later are.
To the southeast of Buffalo there is to be found a smaller attraction by the name of The Petrified Forest. Not exactly the same as the Arizona attraction, yet the same in terms of what it actually is. It is almost a perfect western landscape where one can almost imagine the dinosaurs wandering about.
The red earth tips, earth, and the western vegetation mostly hide the smaller evidence of an ages old forest. It is however, a beautiful area to visit and not smothered by any commercialism, advertisements or people.
In a smaller note of mention, the area of Gillette, Wyoming to the southeast is an area rich in oil and at least once to my knowledge was a boomtown of the same. In the west it seems that oil, oil shale and ancient life go together geographically.
Just another mystery this petrified bow.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Beautiful Mimbres Pottery Art
In Deming New Mexico is a wonderful museum that houses a large collection of Mimbres Pottery. The Luna Mimbres Museum, as all museums that I have visited, house the local flavor and history of the area. This museum has hundreds of example of absolutely beautiful Mimbres Pottery.
The Mimbres Indians are thought to have lived about 1,000 years ago in what is now the southwestern part of New Mexico. A large part of what has been discovered archaeological wise is the pottery which is fascinating. Images of life, insects, birds, reptiles, humans, life from every species is represented on the mostly black and white or brown and white bowl shaped pottery. A large and maybe equal part of the collection are also simple as well as complex geometric patterns which are very often found to have a symmetrical pattern.
The image below shows another common them of a circular image traveling the circumference of the bowl.
Note the absence of a center hole and the somewhat rarity of an intact piece of Mimbres Pottery.
An excellent reference book with many illustrations/photos of Mimbres Pottery:
The Mimbres, Art and Archaeology - J.Walter Fewkes
ISBN 0-936755-10-5
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Runestone in Minnesota
While traveling into Minnesota from North Dakota there was a stop at Ashby for a week. Taking in the local sites, birdwatching and museum visiting, I came across this interesting artifact known as the Victor Setterlund Runestone at the Grant County Museum in Elbow Lake, MN.
The rest of the museum was in fact more interesting but this caught my eye as I always look for strange or unexplained artifacts, a physical piece of material more substantial than most legends.
Enclosed in a glass case with a note of explanation on the side of the case explained the following object of interest.It is really a beautiful piece of work to look at and one could in some way hope to chat with Mr. Setterlund to fill in some blanks of the story.
Although there are several unexplained runestones that exist and can be visited, and more mentioned to exist while their location is kept somewhat of a secret allegedly to preserve them, this one came with an open explanation.
On a note on the side of the glass case this runestone is enclosed in reads:
The Victor Setterlund RunestoneI appreciate the honesty of the museum and this little chunk of history. Later on in my travels I will visit a much larger runestone that is certainly much more historical and seemingly unexplained.
caused considerable excitement when found in 1949. The runic inscription reads "1776 Four Maidens Set Camp On This Hill". A cast of this stone was sent to Dr. Holand, the Kensington Runestone Authority, who misinterpreted the date as being 1376, the same period as the Kensington Runestone which added to the confusion. Mr. Setterlund, who had little formal education, studied runic characters and by this self study was able to correctly inscribe this prank inscription. It is displayed, not only because of the exitement (sic) it caused at the time, but as evidence that such a runestone could be made by a Grant County farmer.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Strange Rock Art
In central New Mexico in the town of Truth Or Consequences there is a very nice museum by the name of The Geronimo Springs Museum. This museum houses memorabilia of the times of the American West and the Apache Nation. Also on display are even earlier instances of inhabitants of the region, the Mimbres. The Mimbres people created beautiful pottery, more to been seen later.
In one of the cases containing rock art examples I couldn't help but be surprised to see what looks like a delta wing fighter on one section of a rock.
The label indicates that it was found in Sierra County and donated to the museum. It appears to have insignias on the wings and barrels protruding from the front of the plane.
Across the country in small to large museums there are fascinating objects to be seen and stories to read and hear. In many instances one cannot be sure if objects are very much real or potentially fabricated at some time in the past. They are, nevertheless, very interesting and available for all to see.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Inflation Changes These Song Lyrics
As I was listening to a song a while back I wondered how monetary inflation would change the lyrics. Lot's of things such as the moon, birds, women, alcohol, and love remain fairly constant throughout time, but relative monetary values change over time.
How might the following song lyrics or sentiments be different here in 2007?
1. Music, Music, Music - Teresa Brewer, 1950
Put another nickel in, in the nickelodeon
All I want is loving you and music, music, music!
Now, would it be called a dollarodeon today? What music would a nickel buy in 2007? Not even a one song download purchase I suspect.
2. Hey Good Lookin' - Hank Williams Sr., 1951
I got a hot rod ford, and a two dollar bill;
And I know a spot right over the hill.
There's soda pop and the dancings free
So if you wanna have fun, come along with me.
A two dollar bill !! It's a good thing that the dancing is free. A 1940's or 1950's hot rod ford is a good thing but anyone up for a two dollar date?
How about changing it to "and two hundred dollar bills"?
3. I've Got Five Dollars And It's Saturday Night - Faron Young
Well I've been working hard the whole week and now
I'm a gonna have some wine women and song
I gotta workin' each week but that's alright
I've got five dollars and it's Saturday night
Ok, we are headed from a two dollar date to a five dollar date in just several years. Here in 2007 though, should we just add the word "hundred" after the word "five"?
4. Like A Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan, 1965
Once upon a time you dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?
Well only a dime for the bums. I didn't do the research to see if a dime would buy a beer in 1965 but I know it won't in 2007. Although I've been called a bum during my lifetime I'd figure it would take at least a five dollar bill to get a real bums attention today. Except I don't know how one throws paper.
5. King Of The Road - Roger Miller, 1965
Trailer for sale or rent
Rooms to let...fifty cents.
No phone, no pool, no pets
I ain't got no cigarettes
Ah, but..two hours of pushin' broom
Buys an eight by twelve four-bit room
I'm a man of means by no means
King of the road.
Where can you stay for 50 cents today? Nowhere. If it only took two hours to earn 4 bits (50 cents) for a room in 1965 for let's say just one night, how many broom pushin' hours would a room take today?
Room's to Let $50.00?
6. Sister Fatima - Don McLean, 1971
I'm a servant of fate in this garden of truth
A humble recruit of the taffeta booth
Where all things are known but few are revealed
Sins are forgotten and sickness is healed
For five dollars the flower is free
A free flower? It might be a good deal even today & maybe one shouldn't look a free flower as hype.
7. Operator - Jim Croce, 1972
Operator, well let's forget about this call
There's no one there I really wanted to talk to.
Thank you for your time, you've been so much more than kind.
And you can keep the dime
There were are are still nice people on the phones that certainly deserve a dime. The question is were they worth more than a bum was since 1965? It's all a question of perspective. The sentiment is good and it's a very neat song but I doubt the operator saw a penny of that dime.
To the phone company..."You can keep the contract." [Editor note...(YES)!]
8. Midnight Moonlight - Old & In The Way, 1973
If you ever feel lonesome
And You're down in San Antone
Beg, steal, or borrow
Two nickels or a dime to call me on the phone
I'll meet you at Alamo Mission
Where we can say our prayers
Another phone call for only a dime, (which is two nickels for the math impaired). That's how folks made calls then, with a public telephone. Today it may very well be to beg, steal, or borrow a cell phone or get a contract for one.
See number 7.
9. This Ol' Cowboy - Marshall Tucker Band, 1974
I gotta get back to Dallas
And tie up a few loose ends
I'm gonna work a week make a hundred dollars
Aw and hit the road again
Getting closer to home now. No, not Dallas, but now we are talking $100.00 a week! That would buy lot's of earlier song-related dates and many nights at a 4-bit room as well (see earlier entries). Lot's of 10 cent pay phone calls or dimes to bums too!
...Aw and hit the road again [to the next gas station]...
Wouldn't get that late 1940's Hot Rod Ford though.